Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Alternative Birth Position

Assalamualaikum mommies..

ha..entry kali ni utk bakal2 ibu bersalin ye puan2..memandkangkan aku pun skang da 37 weeks, so lg la kene byk byk byk byk membace psl birthing ni..almaklumla..seriau time bersalin kan khaliq dl..
time khaliq kali ni insyaAllah akn cube VBAC...even de gak sore2 sumbang mendownkan impian aku nk VBAC, tp tk pe..sume tu kan kuase Allah..ikut pe Allah nk bg kay aku kali ni..harap2 sumenye dipermudahkan..

Ok...pjg pulak mukadimahnye..bkn org nk bace pun aku tulis hape..alek2 aku gk yg bace sndiri..huhu..sedeyyy..

Ok..brape byk ok da..
kali ni aku nk share ilmu yg aku dah bace ok tentang birth position

Kalo kat hospital gomen, of course ko kene bersalin style baring, ko kangkang bosar2 peh tu tgn pogang buku lali... tu la my experience time bersalinkan khaliq dl..bile aku ckp da pnt & nk tukar position, misi2 buduh tu sume tk bg..aku bagai nak mati da gak pe nk citer psl yg lepas..
so kalo postioon yang korang bersalin tu seperti di atas, baby agak ssh sket nk kuar sbb tk de gravity ok..ko berak pun ddk or mencangkung kang..senang je berak ko kuar kan..klo ko baring mcm tu nk bersalin, pelvic ko akan mengecil sebanyak 30% wokey..mmg la org akan ckp "aku ank 6 bersalin care camtu kuar je ank2 aku sume".. persetankan org ckp mcm tu aku bg alternative yg korang leh cube mo cube mak jemah kesah ke..
so klo ko nk tukar birth position yg akan memudahkan korang, sile bace di bawah...

Hands and Knees Positions
Quadruped childbirth positions, which include the “crawl” and the “full moon”, are beneficial for back labor, turning a posterior baby, and are often the best birth positions for birthing a large baby.
ni gune birth ball ye..leh la ko g bli...aku da bli da kat TAKASIMA..harge RM80.00 je..leh gak ko carik kat FITNESS Concept..klo nk gi bli tu ckp GYM Ball..kang tengage lak org kodai tu..

Sitting positions
Sitting positions combine the helpful force of gravity with relaxation. A birth ball, rocking, or toilet sitting can be utilized to rest while gravity helps labor progress.

Squatting Positions
Squatting positions are helpful in opening the pelvis to allow a baby to find the optimal position for birth. Squatting can be performed through use of a birth companion or a tool such as a squatting bar.

Side-lying Positions
Lateral or Side-lying positions are beneficial for resting during a long labour, promoting body-wide relaxation, and minimizing extra muscular effort. They are best used in the later stages of labor since gravity isn’t able to speed the process.

Upright or Standing Positions
Upright positions for childbirth use gravity to the mother’s advantage. They help the baby drop into the pelvis and prevent pressure from being concentrated in a particular spot. They also allow the birth companions to apply other comfort measures easily. They represent the most under-used birth positions.

Ha ko....tetibe tukar yinglish kan..korang translate la sendiri..sumber ni  aku dpt dari link ni:

oghang puteh kan byk option de la mcm kat malaysia ni..ssh no nk carik doc yang boleh nk dgr opinion kite..
korang gak leh carik info kat cni:
Yang laen2 korang carik sndiri..aku tulis ni utk aku bace menyenangkan aku..

cube2 la birth position di atas ye..klo korang verangan nk cube, g private hosp & wat birth plan..diskaz with your doctor..


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